• Speak conversational English

    Attend the full session

    Agree to The Jerusalem Declaration as a basis of faith

  • To apply for the upcoming session please fill out the form linked here. Email any questions to

  • In addition to the above Requirements, each applicant must attach a letter of endorsement by an Anglican bishop or primate. These may be emailed directly to the Anglican Leadership Institute.

Our Commitment to Anglican Leadership Participants:

  • We commit to offer our participants a professional experience in leadership training

  • We commit to pay for their airfare (if coming from overseas) to Boston or Charleston, and back to their home countries

  • We commit to cover their stay in the USA with short-term health insurance for the duration of the Institute (if they come from outside North America)

  • We commit to pay for all costs involved in the Institute, including curriculum, food and hospitality, and transportation within the local area

Our Participants' Commitment to the Anglican Leadership Institute:

  • Participants will cover all costs of obtaining a passport & visa to the United States.

  • Participants will cover the travel costs of getting from their homes to the nearest international airport from which they will depart as well as the cost of returning back to their homes after the Institute. This also applies to an overnight hotel stay & meals associated with their flights. 

  • Participants who are traveling within the U.S. prior to or following the institute will cover all travel related costs (hotel, airfare, food, and the required checked luggage fees)

  • The A.L.I. is not to be considered a fund-raising opportunity by participants while they are in the USA. Friendly contacts with Americans and others while here may lead to fundraising opportunities later, but not during the Institute

  • Participants will pay for electronic connections to the American electronic systems, or for other electronic devices (SIM cards, etc.) that they wish to purchase on arrival

  • Participants agree to give their full attention to all Institute meetings and not to use meeting times to email friends or conduct ministry long-distance

  • The use of cell phones during meetings is not permitted, either for texting or phoning nor is the use of computers to do email. There are times in each day when these tasks may be performed

  • Participants will accept whatever limitations they encounter regarding rooming with someone else, or the size of their beds. ALI will do our best to make sure everyone is comfortable

  • While people's preferences regarding food will be respected, the food that will be served will essentially reflect an American diet